Jessie Daye

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Valentine Mason Jars

I remember handing out Valentine's as a kid. We didn't have super cool Valentine jars like this ... or Lego soaps for that matter, but I would hand out envelopes with old fashioned Valentine cards and I would pick out the exact candy hearts that every kid in the class would get. I remember having a crush on this one boy in particular. Literally, can't even tell you his name now, but it was 5th grade at Round Meadow Elementary and Mrs. Horowitz was my teacher. Oh my goodness, side note - this is totally coming back to me right now - Mrs. Horowitz would suck her ear wax out with this crazy machine during silent reading time every day. SILENT reading time! It was so loud and it made this weird squeaky sucking sound and I couldn't even read because it was so distracting. I remember staring at her, thinking oh my gosh she is so old. What could possibly be in her ear that requires a machine? It's literally burned into my memory. Wow. Ok, so anyway I picked out all the candy hearts that said "You're cute" and "Crush" thinking that whatever-his-name-was would get the hint and like me back, but he never noticed the damn Valentine card. In fact he probably just ate them all in one fell swoop and tossed the card.

OK guys this jar is super cute and very easy. See the toturial below.

OMG I found the machine: Ear Wax Vacuum 

(It's say's it's now silent. Good thing.)

Valentine Mason Jars

What you need
(1) Mason jar
(1) wood skewer (Cut in half)
Mini Valentine Arrow Template
Red Spray Paint
Red glitter paper
Hot glue

1. Remove your mason jar lid and set on a piece of cardboard with wood skewer halves. Spray paint everything red and let dry.

2. Print out the Mini Valentine Arrow Template and cut out the heart arrow and fletching and attach to the ends of the skewer with hot glue.

3. Fill your jar with candy and cover with spray painted lid.

4. Attach both skewers to the jar on both sides with hot glue.