Raspberry Bars & A Little Bit of Fate

The older I get the more I think people come in and out of your life for a reason. Good or bad. Positive or negative. I believe each person is there to teach you a lesson. I strongly believe in fate. I don’t think everything in life is planned out, but I do think things happen and people cross paths for a reason and then ultimately you control what happens and your life is a chapter book of those choices. (I also may or may not have watched the movie Serendipity 1200 times.)

I believe this to be true in both romantic relationships as well as friendships. I’m drawn to certain people and I feel a deeper connection with very few, but when I do, it is instant. The energy is just immediate. I can’t fully explain it, but it’s special. When you’re young you are so naive that you don’t think much about special friendships or relationships. But at 38, I now recognize how special and rare those connections with people are. Some people just get you.

Anyway, I was talking about Valentine’s Day with the kids and making these raspberry bars and it got me thinking about soulmates and true love and whether it’s real or just something you see in rom-coms. I was watching a short film on Gloss this week and it was about this couple who worked in the same building. They went up the elevator everyday at the same time and they both had a crush on each other just based on their energy and the way they looked at one and other. The entire four minute film is just subtitles. They would rehearse what they would say in their heads in the elevator and prepare to see the other person each day, but both were too shy to ever speak to the other person. It went on for months until the girl was let go from her job and was taking the elevator down one last time while she carried her box of desk items and what not. The guy got in, they locked eyes, and they both again wanted to desperately say something, but instead said nothing. The clip ends and the girl leaves and they never see each other again. 😢 They both never knew how much the other person liked them. I don’t even remember what company or brand this was for, but the caption at the end of the film was … Get out of your head. Live in the moment. Take a chance.

So basically my long rant is to tell you to go for it. If you like someone, tell them. If you love someone, say I love you, and if you want to be with someone, say it before you can’t. Life is too short not to.

Also … these raspberry bars are tart, sweet, and super delicious. And if you’re lucky enough to meet your soulmate and the timing is just right you might want to bake up a batch for them. Just saying 😍

Scroll down for the short clip and the raspberry crumble bar recipe I made with organic Driscoll’s berries. Xx


Raspberry Brown Sugar Crumble Bars

Raspberry Filling

12oz organic Driscoll’s raspberries

3/4 cup granulated sugar

2 tablespoons All-purpose flour

1 tablespoon cornstarch

Juice of one small lemon

1tsp lemon zest

Crumble Layer

3 cups rolled oats

3 cups All-purpose flour

2 cups light brown sugar (not packed)

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups melted unsalted butter


  1. Rinse your berries, pat dry then place in the freezer for 15 minutes so they firm up a bit.

  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix raspberries with sugar, flour, cornstarch, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Gently squish berries so they break down. DO NOT smash until they are mush. You want some visible berry pieces.

  3. Mix oats, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and melter butter together into a crumble-like mixture. Press two thirds of the crumble into the bottom of a 9×13 pan lined with parchment paper. Bake for 12 minutes.

  4. Spoon the raspberry mixture on top of the baked bottom layer. Sprinkle with remaining crumble. Bake for another 30 minutes.

  5. Remove from oven and chill for approximately two hours. Cut and serve. Store in refrigerator.

This post is sponsored, but as always all thoughts are my own.

#driscollsberries #FeedFeed #sweetnessWorthSharing #FinestBerries #ad