Jessie Daye

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Easter Carrot Treat Boxes

I love Easter. Lalalalove it. And these little Easter treat boxes are the perfect little party favor for your guests! Fill them with candy eggs or jelly beans or even confetti! This craft was inspired by The Ella Claire Blog! She has a super simple template so scroll down below to see how to make these fun carrot boxes for Easter party!

Easter Carrot Treat Boxes

What you Need

8.5” x 11” Orange cardstock
Green Raffia or Ribbon
Double sided tape

Hole punch
Free Treat Box Printable


1. Download my Free Treat Box Printable and print it directly on your orange cardstock.

2. Cut the carrot template out and fold at each of the dotted score lines. (Tip: Lay a ruler along the lines for easy folding or gently press half of your scissors down to lightly score the paper. Make sure to fold the carrot so the printed lines are on the inside.

3. Attach double sided tape to the tab and close your carrot. Press down to secure the tape.

4. Punch a hole near the top of two opposite facing "petals".

5. Cut two 14"-16" pieces of raffia or green ribbon and fill with candy. Fold over the two non-hole punched petals. Thread the ribbon through the two holes and tie in a bow.